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Song: If We Fall In Love Artist: Yeng Constantino feat Rj Jimenez Chords by: Jaypee Resada Intro: F Am Dm, Dm-Bb Dm-Bb C# C C# C C Verse 1:
FThere'll be noC/F ordinary Fdays for you if A#there is soF/Ameone who Gmcares like I C/Edo
FYou have no C/Freasons to be Fsad anymore I'm aA#lways ready wF/Aith a smilGme with just a gC/Elimpse of you
A#You don't have to sF/Aearch no more (to find/cause Gm7I am) someonAm7e who will lA#ove you for Csure
So Fif we fall in F/Alove Gm7maybe we'll sing thisC/E song as one.
FIf we fall in F/Alove we can Gm7write a better C/Esong than this.
FIf we fall in F/Alove we will Gm7have this melodyC in our heads.
FIf we fall in F/Alove anyGm7where with you would bC/Ee a better place.
Interlude: Dm7 A# Dm7 A# C#,C C#, C C Verse 2: (Same pattern for verse 1) You can watch that movie in a different light so I'll be right there beside you, hugging you oh so tight. 'Cause we'll never be so cold and empty again 'cause I will keep my heart and arms and never let gO (repeat refrain and chorus) Bridge:
FGmeels so good wF/Ahen you'A#/Dre arouC/End. One sGmmile from F/Ayou oh I just D#feel soC right So...
(Repeat Chorus except last line)
......betterC/E Dm placA#e.