Tokio Hotel - Zoom Into Me
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EmIs there anybody out there
WalkingCmaj7 alone
EmIs there anybody out there
Out in theCmaj7 cold
F, A
One heartbeat
FLosAt in Gthe crowd
EmIs there anybody shoutin’
What no one canCmaj7 hear
EmIs there anybody drownin’
Pulled down by theCmaj7 fear
F, A
I feel you
FDon’At lGook away
CZoom intoAm me
EmZoom intoG me
C, AmG Em G
I know you’re scared
FWheCn you canG’t brDeathe
I will be tFhere
CZoom inGto me
EmIs there anybody laughing
To kill theCmaj7 pain
EmIs there anybody screamin’
The silenceCmaj7 away
FJusAt oFpen AyouGr jaded eyes
CZoom into Amme
EmZoom into Gme
C, AmG Em G
I know you’re scared
FWheCn you canG’t brDeathe
I will be Fthere
CZoom intoG me
FComeC closer
F C F ~
And closer…
FWheCn you canG’t brDeathe
I will be Fthere
Zoom CintGo me
CZoom into Amme
EmZoom into Gme
FWhen the world
Cuts your soul into pCieces
G, D
And you start to bleed
FWheCn you canG’t bDreathe
I will be Fthere
CZoom intoG me