Michael Learns To Rock - Breaking my heart
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Song : Breaking My Heart
Artist : Michael Learns To Rock
Album : Paint My Love
Re-Tab : Kent Chester (@KLSC120495)
[Intro :]
[Verse 1:]
G I'm on the flCoor
cFounting one minute mCore
G No one to brCeak the FsilenceG
GStaring Finto the nGight
all alFone but thCat's alrAmight
It's the fFeeling deep insGide I don't lCike
TChere is Fno exGcuse my frCiend
for brFeaking my heart
brGeaking my heart agaCin
This is whFere our jGourney eCnds
Your brFeaking my hGeart agCain
[Verse 2:]
G Here in my bCed
FCounting the words you've sCaid
G They linger Cin the sFhadowsG
GComing hFome late at nGight
drunk agFain but tChat's Amalright
It's the lFook in your eGyes I don't lCike
TChere is Fno exGcuse my frCiend
for brFeaking my heart
brGeaking my heart agaCin
This is whFere our jGourney eCnds
Your brFeaking my hGeart agCain
TChere is Fno exGcuse my frCiend
for brFeaking my heart
brGeaking my heart agaCin
This is whFere our jGourney eCnds
Your brFeaking my hGeart agCain 2x
Repeat Chorus until it Fade away..
*<Kent Chester>